When it comes to truck seats, one heated debate you can easily get into when talking to truck drivers is whether cloth or leather truck seats are better. Deciding which type of truck seat is best for you is largely based on your preferences and your comfort. You should take into account other factors to make sure you get the best value for your money.


Do you suffer from allergies?

If dust, pollen, and other such allergens bother you, then you may want to choose leather seats. Removing these things from cloth seats can be more difficult without frequent vacuuming. With leather seats, you can easily wipe them off.


Are you accident prone?

If you tend to drop food and spill beverages, cloth may not be the best choice. Cloth can stain easier if you do not clean it up right away. You won’t enjoy driving long hours if you have to sit on a sticky, wet seat soaked in soda.


Chemical cleaning of car seats with spoonge

How much time do you have to clean and maintain your truck seats?

If you have ample time to clean your truck seats, then cloth seats could be a good choice. Cleaning cloth seats involves vacuuming them regularly and steam cleaning them about once every month or two to remove stains and odors.


If you are always on the go, then leather could be better since you just need to wipe it off. The only maintenance is using a leather conditioning wipe about once a week to help maintain the appearance of the leather.


Do you drive in a smelly or dirty environment?

If you operate heavy construction equipment, drive in dusty conditions, or haul livestock or other loads that tend to smell, leather is often a better choice. This is because leather does not absorb odors and dirt as cloth seats can.


In the past, the weather would also be another consideration when choosing between cloth and leather. However, you will find there are both cloth and leather truck seats that feature heating and cooling options—like Isringhausen truck seats.


Driver in cabin of big modern truck


To find the best truck seat that fits your needs and budget, feel free to shop online at Suburban Seating & Safety or contact us at 844-727-7328 for further assistance. We offer a wide assortment of truck seats in both cloth and leather with a variety of features and options to keep you comfortable.


Heavy construction equipmentLeather truck seats