One of the latest advancements in new trucking technology is the use of a RoadWatch sensor by truck drivers and fleet managers. RoadWatch is designed to provide temperature detection, but it is much more than your typical thermometer. A RoadWatch Tracker System is designed to provide two vital services truck drivers and fleet management offices can utilize.
- When installed on commercial trucks, buses, and other such vehicles, the RoadWatch Tracker System improves vehicle travel safety. The sensor takes measurements of real-time air and road temperatures. These can be used to help determine when there could be potentially dangerous driving conditions.
- When used on road management snow removal and salt/sand application trucks, the RoadWatch Tracker System helps provide more accurate and efficient removal and application. In addition, the system can be used at other times of the year, like when repainting lines on roadways.

Aside from these two vital services, the RoadWatch Tracker System also offers the following benefits:
- Provides Real-Time Vehicle Location, Speed, and Stop/Idle Data
- Displays Real-Time Road Conditions
- Operates as a Standalone Device or Integrated with Other Vehicle Controls and Fleet Management Software
- Can Be Used to Determine the Most Efficient and Fastest Routes to Take
- Provides Fleet Operators Access to Data with View Tools Like ArcGIS or Google Earth
- Provides Bluetooth Connectivity for Easy Installation
- Can Be Easily Moved from One Truck to Another
- Can Be Used to Obtain Complete Spreader Information on Salt/Sand Trucks
- Improves Salt/Sand Spreading Efficiencies
- Provides Color-Coded Road Temperatures
- Displays Color-Coded Paths/Routes
- Is a Low-Cost “Smart Device” Solution
RoadWatch uses very precise infrared (IR) energy being radiated by the road. Using the IR data provided by the sensor, the system converts this into an easy to understand road surface temperature reading, which is constantly updated.

How Telemetry Improves Fleet Management
A telemetry system such as the RoadWatch Tracker and Sensors allows fleet managers to continuously monitor vehicles and equipment. It can improve efficiency in your delivery schedules and help ensure driver behavior is in line with your policies. Travel metrics help you track and improve driver safety as well as predict future needs regarding vehicle maintenance and repair.
If you’re running a fleet of vehicles, it’s important to know where they are and how they are being used. With fuel costs going up and travel demands increasing, a telemetry system can be used for fuel management and in predicting costs. Tracking fleet performance helps in meeting safety and operational guidelines and can help your business take legal precautions as well.
The RoadWatch Tracking System isn’t only for keeping tabs on what drivers are doing. These are some of the other benefits that fleet managers can get from it:
- Track Preventative Maintenance: Engine sensors are nothing new. Telemetry systems take the idea to the next level by sending engine codes directly to your fleet maintenance Your team can handle maintenance long before the check engine light ever turns on. Monitor the engine in real time and determine exactly when to repair or retire a truck.
- Manage Fuel Efficiency: When a vehicle is inefficient, it dramatically increases costs. With the RoadWatch system, you can identify behaviors such as excessive and unnecessary idling or whether drivers are aggressive with braking. This lets you train and manage drivers so they know how to operate trucks in a more efficient manner.
- Automate Your Fleet Management System: Trip planning and management can be automated based on weather, road conditions, and traffic patterns. The system also provides drivers with the insights they need to find faster-moving routes and less dangerous roads.
Always Stay on Top of the Weather
It’s one thing to have access to real-time weather and forecast data. Having a look at exact road conditions in specific locations is invaluable for fleet management. If managers and drivers know where hazardous conditions are, it’s easier to avoid them or adjust a route or schedule accordingly. You don’t need any additional weather tracking systems that will cost your business more. All the while, you can improve planning, logistics, and safety.
Order Your Vehicle Tracking System Today
Inclement weather can occur at any time and impact road conditions. Now is the time to get the RoadWatch Tracking System and Sensors. It is designed to improve driving safety and fleet management. For further information about RoadWatch or to order your system, please feel free to contact Suburban Seating & Safety at 1-844-SAS-SEAT or (844-727-7328) today!