Driving long distances can be demanding, but driving long distances in hard rain is even more demanding. According to a study conducted by the Federal Highway Administration, rain and wet pavement account for 25% of automobile accidents. That’s why we put compiled this list of four driving in the rain safety tips.


Slow Down and Look Around

The first safety tip while driving in the rain is to slow down. One of the biggest risks to semis driving in the rain is hydroplaning, which occurs when a layer of water builds up between the wheels of your truck and the highway, causing the vehicle to slide out of control. One of the best ways to ensure a truck doesn’t hydroplane is to reduce your speed.


Next, make sure you have good visibility.


  • Make sure you have the best truck windshield wipers mounted on your vehicle and keep your windshield free of streaks and other distractions.
  • Adjust your truck seat to ensure you have the best view of the highway.
  • Remember that even the best semi-truck seats still need to be readjusted regularly to make sure they give you an optimal view of the road.


driving in the rain water on windshield


Give Drivers More Space and Control a Skid

Even if you’re used to giving other cars a lot of space, make sure you give them even more space during a rainstorm. Semi-trucks take longer to stop than smaller vehicles, so giving other vehicles more space means you’re reducing the risk of rear-ending another car.


Finally, know what to do if you start skidding on the road. If your truck starts to skid, the first thing you need to do is not panic and focus on your training instead. Avoid slamming on the brakes, but steer the truck in the direction you want it to go


Remember that the more control you can keep over the truck, the less severe a potential accident will be.


trailer truck passing on road near rail guard


Get the Best Trailer Safety Supplies From Suburban Seating & Safety

If you’re looking for truck accessories, including the best truck windshield wipers and the best semi-truck tire accessories, visit Suburban Seating & Safety. This family-owned company was formed in 1947 and has consistently provided top-quality supplies for truckers and the truck industry since.


To learn more about the company and its wide line of products from respected manufacturers, call 1-844-SAS-SEAT or contact them on their website.


Best truck driver rain safety tipsDriving in the rainTrucker safety tips