When the COVID-19 crisis struck, many truck drivers across the country continued to work to deliver essential supplies, groceries, medical supplies, etc. The virus presented several changes in the trucking industry, as well; namely, concerns about truck driver safety, pay, and
1. The availability of Personal Protection Equipment (PPE).
Numerous truck drivers were concerned over access to face masks, gloves, hand sanitizer, and other PPE to help keep them safe when they could not socially distance during deliveries and pickups.
Many communities showed an outpouring of generosity and provided these items, initially, until trucking companies could catch up and provide these resources for their truck drivers.
2. The amount and types of compensation during a pandemic.
Some truck drivers expressed concern over the amount they were being paid, considering they were not “frontline” essential workers. Other truckers wanted the option to defer tuition payments and truck payments. Yet others wanted to be reimbursed for the additional expenses incurred for buying cleaning supplies and PPE.
3. The availability of non-essential loads.
Truck drivers that were delivering non-essential materials had concerns over load availability. Some truck drivers had been laid off for a period because of no work. Yet, they were entitled to unemployment compensation. Now that the country is re-opening this is still a major concern, as not all non-essential drivers are back to work yet.
4. Access to necessities and comfort items.
With truck drivers being on the road more hours, many had concerns about the access to various items like better, more comfortable truck seats, cooking appliances, better truck mattresses, and so on. Some trucking companies surprised their drivers by providing them with various items or reimbursing them for the costs of certain items.
5. The types of benefits offered by trucking companies.
Many truck drivers don’t have sufficient sick days. They were concerned if they got COVID-19 they wouldn’t be able to work and would not have any sick pay for their families. Fortunately, many companies offered additional paid time off. Some companies even paid their drivers a bonus week of paid time off so they could be at home with their families.
As the COVID-19 crisis continues, truck drivers will continue to have concerns about being on the “frontlines” and the risks they will be taking daily.
Whether you are an owner-operator or a trucking company, Suburban Seating & Safety is here to help you with access to different types of truck seats, truck accessories, truck mattresses, and more. Please feel free to browse online or contact us at 844-727-7328 today!