Five Facts About the Commercial Driving Lifestyle

Five Facts About the Commercial Driving Lifestyle

Being a commercial truck driver isn’t just a job, it’s a lifestyle. To be successful as a truck driver, you have to make certain changes to accommo...
Top Five Rest Stops in the U.S.

Top Five Rest Stops in the U.S.

Rest stops are the trucker’s oasis, providing drivers with a chance to relax and get out of the truck seat and walk around before getting back on t...
Three Tips for Dealing with Blind Spots

Three Tips for Dealing with Blind Spots

Blind spot-related accidents make up a large percentage of all accidents involving commercial trucks. In fact, about 840,000 accidents involving ve...
The Growing Trend of Women in Trucking Brings with It a Number of Advantages

The Growing Trend of Women in Trucking Brings with It a Number of Advantages

A trend that began as an answer to labor shortages in the trucking industry has turned into a win-win situation for trucking companies and the many...
Interesting Trucking Industry Facts and Stats

Interesting Trucking Industry Facts and Stats

Many people take the trucking industry for granted in order to enjoy goods transported all over the United States, without ever thinking about how ...
Six Facts About the Evolution of Semi-Trucks

Six Facts About the Evolution of Semi-Trucks

Semi-trucks keep America strong by providing a reliable means of transporting goods. Semis travel more than 146 billion miles in the U.S. each year...
Seven Safety Secrets for Professional Truck Drivers

Seven Safety Secrets for Professional Truck Drivers

Thanks to their training and long hours spent driving in truck seats, professional truck drivers are some of the safest motorists on America’s high...
Five Essential Accessories for Long Haul Trips

Five Essential Accessories for Long Haul Trips

Let’s face it. 12 hours in a truck seat can get uncomfortable. Uncomfortable drivers are less productive and may also be more likely to get into ac...
What to Consider When Purchasing On-Highway Seats

What to Consider When Purchasing On-Highway Seats

For truck drivers who spend countless hours sitting, the most important feature is how well their truck seat performs. Eventually the seat will sta...
Four Time Management Tips for Truckers

Four Time Management Tips for Truckers

There’s a lot more to successfully managing a trucker’s time than just picking the right route. Truckers have many balls to juggle to ensure they m...
America’s Most Scenic Roads

America’s Most Scenic Roads

If you are looking for a fun and adventurous family summer vacation that is different, or perhaps you just have some extra time to take the scenic ...
Signs It Is Time for New Forklift Seats

Signs It Is Time for New Forklift Seats

Forklifts lack the suspension to soften bumps, quick stops and starts, and other movements that create sudden jolts. Each of these vibrations and i...